They're tearing down my building (white ones in the foreground) as well as many of the surrounding 4 blocks. I have 6 months to move out. Progress. Traffic. I think I have to get out of Salmiya - or at least find a place that isn't so congested. This sucks. Me sad. :(
I knew that there was a reason that I had to pay my electric bill. Damn! If I only knew, I would have skipped without paying it (my name wasn't on record nor my civil ID). The Universe is messin with me again. Alas, I did the right thing and paid it, but crap... 800 frickin kd!
The Romanian says, "Change is good". Yes change is good. I thought I would leave my apartment after The Man and I split. For a while there - there were just too many memories around me. It was as if he was still "there" but he wasn't. I just couldn't face a big move.
Bu Merdas is going to help me find a new place. He offered for me to move into his place in Kabd, but uh.... as much as I like animals... I don't think so. :) I had a really really really nice day with him on Friday with The Romanian. They are like long-lost friends and I'm so glad (Mashallah, mashallah, mashallah) that they like each other as much as they do. Bu Merdas bought a dog so that Desert Dawg would have a husband. Her guy's name is Joey. I'm like, 'Dude, you married off my dog.... what about the OWNER?' "Hi baby..." Yummmmm.
I saw an old friend by chance yesterday at a cafe. I adore him and just seeing him made me so happy. He is one of those people who I rarely see, but who is like a guardian angel; he is always there. I've known him for 27 years and he is in an influential position in the government. When we first met in the States, he was driving a Chevette and drinking Heinekin! Just seeing him made me feel so comfortable - like home. He knows my entire extended family. He used to have a killer crush on my older sister.
I'm trying to count my blessings today because I'm really quite upset by the prospect of moving.
I'm going to eat chocolate now....
Ah so much memories, they are taking my country away, bastards!
Whoah that's alot of change tearing down all those buildings. I hope there's some proper planning and that it won't be the same congested area that it has been.
Mabrook on Deset Dog's marriage and may yours soon follow... ;-)
Asalam alikom
I dont know what to say, but it is really so bad when you transfere from a place you like to unknown one..but that is regular case here in Kuwait to change your flat every period.I am too changed my flat from Amman st, Salmyia to city center region, salmyia too.
Salam alikom
that is my second post here, the first was in the morning but i forgot to submit it..and that s the second after i got that news...here in our company ..huhuuuh... they told me to leave the flat after 6 months...it was nice to read that blog in the morning...huhuhuhu...i will not read any post in the morning like that...so DG.. try to find 2 flats not one..
I think your flat is in Salmyia Market on the back....Me now beside city centre....the problem is that i like that place and hard to find a place like it...help!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey DG,
Hope u find an even better place to live. Maybe they are planning some lovely new green park or a huge Borders or Waterstone's or Earthfare! Hey, I can dream. :)
Hi, nice reading! actually I can relate to your dilemna since I also need to move out..At work I was transferred to another branch..which i really dont like and its is located in farwaniya.. Im here in salmiya! so to minimize my expenses I think I'll find a flat in farwaniya.
anyway see you around!
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