Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Another Tragic Accident in Kuwait

This Kuwaiti "fashionista" (I hate that term!) social media person ran a red light in her boyfriend's Bentley while under the influence (supposedly 4 boxes of Lyrica and alcohol were found in the vehicle) and killed 3 young Kuwaitis.

It is now the talk of the Arabian Gulf because there are so many lethal accidents in Kuwait committed by people under the influence - and very little is being done about it. I was in a bad accident years ago in Kuwait; hit by a young Kuwaiti making an illegal U-turn while on drugs and T-boning my sports car. I get the outrage. I never got reparations; he went to jail for the drugs, not for causing me injuries.

 Anyhoo, this story is in Arabic (Al Arabiya network - Saudi Arabia), but what it basically says is just what I said - she was going 140 km (roughly 87 mph) in what looks like a residential area. The dark grey car is the one she hit.


It probably wouldn't even have made the news if the people she killed were foreigners in Kuwait.


My personal opinion is that Kuwait should name an shame criminals.  Put their full family name and photo in the media. The argument against this is, "Kuwait is small and there are only so many families and everyone knows each other and it would be a big shame." To which I say, GREAT!  Do it.  Dubai does and Dubai is a smaller country than Kuwait and with the same type of social dilema to publishing names.  However, not much else seems to work in Kuwait besides the shame game.  Maybe their family members would have more luck teaching criminal offenders good behavior?  Fines and jail time don't seem to work.  Maybe having your grandpa call you aside and tell you that you're no longer allowed to visit the family during Ramadan or Eid or even Friday lunches will do it.  Machboos is a strong influencer.


Kuwait Dreamz said...

why have you stopped writing on this blog, I often come here to read your posts. Please keep writing and lots of love from Kuwait

OldGuyinNC said...

Just checking in, Desert Girl, to see that you're still out there somewhere be it Virginia or Kuwait. Glad to see that you are. Do take care. And I'll still keep checking in as I have since 2007.