Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Top 50 Kuwait Blogs According to Google

I'm #4 according to Google's list of the top 50 most read blogs in Kuwait.  And here is me, thinking that no one bothers to read this rambling self-absorbed narcissistic (ME ME ME) shit.  Huh.  Aint that a thang? :)

Full story on BabbleQ8:  http://babbleq8.com/2011/06/thank-u-kuwaitsblog-com/
Thanks, BoKhalid, you made my day! :)


Saifullah said...

Congrats to you and all the bloggers and no your blog is not boring: P actually you were one of the many bloggers who inspired me to start blogging :)

Saifullah said...

You are number 4 if we type "kuwait blog" :P congrats

American Girl said...

Congrats! I think you should be #1. I love that your blog is personal and about life -- not filled with ads and promotions.

Expat and the City said...

Darn, American girl beat me to it! ;) I was going to say the same thing. You should be #1.

When you mentioned one of my posts the other day my traffic went crazy and I have four new followers. Thank you for the constant support and for inspiring me to blog. :)

American Girl said...

Sorry about that, Expat -- we'll have to coordinate comments next time :) But she really is great, huh? Not only has she helped so many new people in Kuwait, but she's also inspired so many others to blog and share their experiences.

Expat and the City said...

American Girl ~ Lol! I think we should start an "I <3 Desert Girl Fan Club"! :D

r said...


LWDLIK said...

Well done DG, you deserve it xx

Lalique said...

happy to visit here
from Turkey

ushaservicesonline@gmail.com said...
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