Thursday, June 23, 2011

Chinese turning pets into wild animals

This is awesome. I think I want to turn Desert Dawg into a racoon.

First they eat them, then they dye them.  Fascinating.  I wonder if I can dye a Great Dane to look like George Clooney.....


Chuknum said...

I have to admit they look nice bas 7aram :/

SV said...

LOL.. :-P

Anonymous said...

What the, some one stole my idea,i wanted to colour a brown cat to that tiger theme, and consider it as a my mini tiger.

Desert Girl said...

What would be really funny (if people wouldn't shoot at them or try to kill them as trophies - as they WOULD because we live in that kind of a society) would be to dye stray cats and let them back out (after spaying and neutering, bien sur). Maybe people would adopt them... (maybe not). In an imaginary world, I'd like to let a bunch of mean-hungry tiger-stray-cats go say near the women's business college (tee hee - funny visual).