Tuesday, April 05, 2011


I have seen Bario beer in several stores lately.  It's just like Barbican, but it is made in the bario - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.  That's correct.  You read it.  Riyadh.  I had "apple temptation".  This is all very un-Saudi-like.

Is the bario in Saudi Arabia?
Is it in Kuwait?

I don't even like beer, but they were out of Barbican apple - which je love.  I wanted it to wash down my shawarma.  I'm so trendy and international...


Babble said...

My husband has been drinking this for the past two weeks, I tasted it, MUCH MUCH nicer than Barbican, he got it in the local co-op in Salwa... the small one.

Anonymous said...

that isnt beer, it is beer coloured water.