Sunday, November 28, 2010

Real Christmas Trees for Sale in Kuwait

I met a woman recently who has ordered Christmas trees from the US.  She's got a 40' conex which will arrive soon.  If you would like to order, go to

Ok... read my comments.... Now I'm just fired up.

So, one of my friends is looking for firewood and was thinking of importing a few cords.  If you would like your real tree picked up after Christmas, write to me.  It will be recycled.


Anonymous said...

How environmentally friendly...NOT! Would be curious to know the carbon footprint of this operation... Yes nothing beats the smell of a real tree at Christmas, but come importing trees really necessary when some climate experts are saying we may have reached the point of no return to save the earth? Kuwait is already the most environmentally unfriendly place I have ever visited, lets not make it worse, especially since we should know better.

Desert Girl said...


Kuwait has never been the Land of The Tree Huggers. Look around and smell the dust.

If people want a real Christmas tree, let 'em have a piece of home. I don't think that a 40' conex is really going to make a dent when the US and Europe is chopping down forests.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

It's not because we're in a country that is environmentally unfriendly that we should act in the same manner. Everything we do as a nation and as a person makes a difference to the environment... If I follow your logic, why not throw a water bottle or plastic bag in the sea since millions of tons of rubbish are being dumped there anyways? Simply because a water bottle takes up to a thousand years to biodegrade and you would be swimming in a sea of plastic bags and bottles if everyone did the same.

Even if I forget about the environmental cost of bringing those trees to Kuwait, the carbon footprint of chopping off Christmas trees for all the Christians celebrating Christmas worldwide is enormous. There are over 2 billion Christians worldwide... think about the amount of trees that go to waste simply to indulge and have a Christmas tree smell in the house.

The trees are then nicely cleaned up and burned...thereby releasing the carbon dioxide that they had so neatly absorbed during their life.

There is nothing much you can do about the US or Europe chopping down forests, but there is something you can do about the millions of Christmas trees wasted every year. It starts with every one of us.

Sorry about the rant but this is something basic that everyone should get...especially us expats since we've had enough information about it!

Anonymous said...
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Court said...

I don't think any of you could be more wrong on this issue (except for you desert girl!). If you know ANYTHING about how a real Christian celebrates x-mas, you'll know that live trees aren't put up just for smell, that's simply a perk. Almost every American who puts up a real tree has some sort of reason behind it. My family, for instance, does it out of our own special tradition. We decorate it only with popcorn on a string and homemade ornaments. When Xmas is over, we would then plant it outside our house. After years of this, we had a long row of trees on the edge of our property that looked really nice as well as provided privacy from neighbors. Of course we did this in the eastern US where the trees could thrive, but the point is that most people don't just buy them as only as air fresheners only to toss them out for nothing. If you don't agree on tradition, then you can't defend anything; do you really need a turkey at thanksgiving? Think of the mass genocide of turkeys every year just so you can have a nice meal every year. And all the hams and eggs at Easter? And wasting loads of fireworks on the 4th of July?? If you look at live Xmas trees, a BIG part of the holiday celebration, that way, Anonymous, then you have to apply that thinking to everything wasteful. But ya know what, people typically don't do that, rightfully so, because there IS meaning behind it and that is what counts. And expats like myself would LOVE to be able to continue their tradition, even in Kuwait. Please stop thinking about only yourself because no matter what you say, millions of Christians will continue to use live trees until the end of time because.....tradition rules. 5alas

Court said...

I don't think any of you could be more wrong on this issue (except for you desert girl!). If you know ANYTHING about how a real Christian celebrates x-mas, you'll know that live trees aren't put up just for smell, that's simply a perk. Almost every American who puts up a real tree has some sort of reason behind it. My family, for instance, does it out of our own special tradition. We decorate it only with popcorn on a string and homemade ornaments. When Xmas is over, we would then plant it outside our house. After years of this, we had a long row of trees on the edge of our property that looked really nice as well as provided privacy from neighbors. Of course we did this in the eastern US where the trees could thrive, but the point is that most people don't just buy them as only as air fresheners only to toss them out for nothing. If you don't agree on tradition, then you can't defend anything; do you really need a turkey at thanksgiving? Think of the mass genocide of turkeys every year just so you can have a nice meal every year. And all the hams and eggs at Easter? And wasting loads of fireworks on the 4th of July?? If you look at live Xmas trees, a BIG part of the holiday celebration, that way, Anonymous, then you have to apply that thinking to everything wasteful. But ya know what, people typically don't do that, rightfully so, because there IS meaning behind it and that is what counts. And expats like myself would LOVE to be able to continue their tradition, even in Kuwait. Please stop thinking about only yourself because no matter what you say, millions of Christians will continue to use live trees until the end of time because.....tradition rules. 5alas

Desert Girl said...

Anonymous seriously - you make me tired. I respect your oppinion, but OMG.


I know....
I should become a vegetarian and stop wearing shoes and leather products. I should never use plastic OR paper products. I should only use recycled everything. I should save my hair clippings to make wigs for poor children with no hair. I should save my dog's hair clippings to knit sweaters for those who are cold. I shouldn't drive a big, gas-guzzling car. I should turn off my lights when I'm not in the room. I shouldn't flush for "everything." I should probably wear my clothes 2-3 times to avoid having to waste water. I should always shower with a buddy...

...but you know what? If I want a real fucking tree, I'm going to get a real fucking tree. They have tree farms. They'll likely grow more. I'm not going into the fucking rain forest to chop down a 20' tree.

Abid said...

"There are over 2 billion Christians worldwide... think about the amount of trees that go to waste simply to indulge and have a Christmas tree smell in the house."

Theres 1.5 billion muslims. the environmental impact of cows and goats being slaughtered is probably worse.

Unknown said...

The website doesn't work any more..any idea if I can source a tree from elsewhere?

Unknown said...
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