My long-time boss is an American guy who I have worked for/with/for (on and off - depending on the whims of upper management), for the full 4 years I was there. He is a highly ethical man of very few words and has kept his job for close to 15 years by keeping his head down and giving out just enough information and never more. He has always kept his cool (and in turn, helped me keep mine). He wrote me the NICEST letter of recommendation I've ever received from anyone and it made me tear up.He's never been emotional, but has always had my back when I needed him the most. He is a guy who doesn't take sick days or days off for no reason. Thursday, he didn't come to work. It actually meant more to me than if he had come in. I know that he didn't want to say goodbye because in contrast, I am an over-the-top, mushy, huggy-kissy person who would have embarrassed the heck out of him with my emotional display. He really honoured me just by not being there and it meant a lot. Flip-side: Who knows, maybe I'm reading too much into it (as usual?) and he was just out looking for a new job too! I plastered his office door with yellow smiley faces - which I know he hates - and left him a mushy thank-you letter (which I'm sure that he'll feel squirmy about but it was heart-felt).
I didn't have to go into the office for the last week of September, but I did. On one of those days, the only other female manager in my office brought in a corporate document that I wrote, with a gazillion little sticky tabs down the side and that was full of red ink and exclamation points (!!!! hate them !!!!). She said, "You need to do this..." oh no she di'int.... She's a nice woman and I'm sure she was just the messenger, so I feel bad for biting her head off (I did). The guy who had given it to her to give to me obviously wasn't man enough to face me directly and no one is left in the company who can do the work that I do (it appears to be an easy task but I used 4 programs to get it there). I refused. He ran to the HR manager (waaaaaaaaaaaaaa). HR dude told him to let it go. I hear they are already seeking less-ethical local-market candidates to replace me - probably for less pay. Good luck with that. Maybe they can work on it.
So, this leaves me jobless this coming week. I have meetings; I have appointments; I still haven't been paid for September (puhleeze - at least pay on time when I'm walking out the door - just once? Respect.). I'm a very active person and I just can't get used to having nothing to do during the work week.
Do any of you readers need consulting work done? Copy writing? Website content? Comedic scripts? Carpentry? House keeping (no, I don't have a french maid's outfit and I'm not wearing one). I feel WEIRD and I'm not liking it.
Having said that - do you think I'll actually do my dishes or laundry this week or clean house? Hell no I won't! That's not real work.
I still don't have a solid job offer; although it is early yet. We'll see how that goes. It's all very scary.
The company's policy is never to give an employee a going-away party: Not a card, rarely a handshake, nada. I got in trouble once for throwing a lunchtime gathering for a teaboy who had been with the company for 15 (yes FIFTEEN) years. HR called me and asked me why I had done it. Because I'm a HUMAN. It's what we do....
So, I decided that I'm really not a 1-hour-over-lunch-break McDonald's or Hardee's farewell party girl. I would rather just not do that. I throw birthday parties for myself, so why not a farewell party too? I have invited everyone to my place this coming Friday. God help me - I hope that I get paid by then otherwise I'll have a bunch of people just standing around.
Let me publicly say, I AM SO SORRY, BUTTERFLY! I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY. I just couldn't deal with it. You did everything you possibly could, but I'm a hopeless, whiney cause.
Ok, having said that, she gave me a kick-ass haircut and the color is great and I'm happy with my real hair. She did with the scissors what no one else I have been to in Kuwait in 14 + years could: She cut my hair on a slant. Sounds simple, right? Try asking someone here to do it: chop, chop, chop. The latest to do that was T&G by the way. She did it fine on one side and chopped down the other. Is it me??
I'm bored. Can you tell?
i love ur blog,,, and i always laugh when u keep expecting much better behaviour from those that surround u :P
i mean farewell party or goodbye ? Where i used to work, employees werent allowed to have even food or talk to each other let alone a party :P
I totally love your blog
DG- I am still looking for a job too. It's a tough job market in the States. I did get offered a teaching position in China- some university of some sort. I cannot see myself contained in a room full of students that have no clue what I am saying due to my southern drawl and the fact they don't speak English.
I too like to rant and I need a j.o.b.
Aw girl, you don't have to be sorry. Even my scalp gets tight after certain types of extensions. You get used to it. I'm just glad you had a moment to feel good after all this work drama.
Something good is coming... I feel it.
Sorry, couldn't let this one slip by - housework IS a real job! I should know having done my own for the past 34 years. No maid service where I come from. (I wish....)
Damn - 34 years??? No maid? Whaaaaaaaaat?! I don't even want to do something fun for that long.
Anonymous 1:08 - it was a parody on the fact that I am SO lazy that I won't do any real work (i.e. housekeeping). Props.
My first job, at age 14, was as a maid for a family in Bethesda, Maryland. I worked after school. Started by ironing the dad's shirts, then washed/cleaned the floors (with a solution that was probably too carcinogenic for them to use themselves), then moved upstairs and scrubbed toilets, etc. Damn right I know that it is hard work. I made a whopping $10 a week.
Oh DG, the Firing Virus Spreads i guess. I got fired too just today. Yes it's all of a sudden and they've asked us not to come to work from tomorrow.
I'm not upset at all. Coz maybe now i know its just common here in Kuwait and the other fact is I've got lot of other guys kicked out with me as well :-P
Yes no farewell party here too :-(. They've just asked to take our belongings and leave . I know, how rude ??? . Anyways i can just give them my finger and i hope those F*(&(*&'s give me my 3 month Notice period salary at least.
Stani, I am very sorry to hear it, but I believe it is all part of The Plan. If you didn't get a letter of termination outlining your REQUIRED 3 months notice period, march on over to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour - or, enlist the help of a lawyer. Employers are required - by law - to give you the notice period with pay (or they can ask you to leave and they still must pay you for the 3 months).
If you don't have all that and don't file a complaint, you may not get anything.
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