Advertising: I don’t do it. I may in the future. I don’t do it now. Sorry. “But you should... you could... blah blah blah.” Yeah, I know. I don’t accept advertising right now. Please refer to “Keep it Real” Clause to follow.
People who write to me in a
demanding manner will never get a review. Bada bing. Aint gonna happen. You don’t score points for being rude. I don’t owe you squat. Don’t act like I do.
This also applies to those who
send vouchers and no explanation of why they are sending them to me. Ok, I get it, but send a nice cover
“Keep it Real” Clause - I don’t review
products or services that I don’t like.
You can ask me to try your services out – and I’m usually happy to if
the invitation is welcoming – but ultimately, if I don’t like something, I’m
not going to write about it. I’m ethical
and I hope I have some credibility out there (if not, then I certainly do to
myself and the voices inside my head - don't judge.)
I do not accept payment for
reviews. I won’t in the future. If I like something and write about it, send me some pink roses out of gratitude, not
out of obligation. (Unless you are The Soor Center, and then I will accept help because I need it and it is good for society at large.)
- If I do review something that you have kindly and courteously asked me to, don't get all bitchy and expect me to write about it if I didn't like it.
“Say what you mean, mean what you say” clause: Many people say they are going to send me pink roses, but
suddenly “forget” that there are flower services in Kuwait (I’ve even provide
links on the blog site). I don’t like
rude. I don’t like ungrateful. God don’t
like ugly.
Happy New Year DesertGirl. You are awesome with a double douse of awwwww : P : )